Controlling and slaving Drambo with Octatrack



  • Thanks for the useful info Dave. Since Drambo amps can work as CV multipliers, I'll try and use another instance of Drambo as a midi fx plugin in Audiobus as a CC value multiplier.

  • Hey everyone, another OT+Drambo user here!

    So to recap...

    We (the probably small group of Drambo users that also own an Octatrack) would all like to have a way to map the scene selection for A and B to a single midi CC each, with values 0-15 selecting which of the 16 possible scenes is assigned to the respective "side" of the crossfader.

    Currently Drambo only supports MIDI mapping the action of pressing the scene selection buttons A and B, which brings the UI into a state where you would then have to press the corresponding track button to select a scene. Thus, to assign iE scene H to slot A via a MIDI controller, one would need at least 2 MIDI controls mapped - one mapped to the "Scene A" button, and one to "Track button 8"

    In order to be able to assign any Scene to any Slot one would need at least 18 separate MIDI controls mapped. Furthermore, the controls mapped to the row of track selection buttons would also perform different actions depending on whether one of the "A" or "B" buttons is active.

    In contrast, being able to map just one MIDI CC to "A" and "B", with CC values scrolling through possible Scene assignments would be much more efficient in terms of controller real estate and separation of concerns where one control only performs one function.

    I believe that if framed this way, this can be a feature request that would benefit all users regardless of whether they own an octatrack or not. Allowing us to use CC values 0-15 to select between the possible scenes would have the additional benefit for Octatrack users that they can use it right out of the box without any MIDI processor in between the Octatrack and drambo.


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