A simple up+down button module
It uses two pads and a third pad as a reset.
Map the "^" to a midi note to increase signal.
Map the "V" to a midi note to decrease signal.
Map "Reset" to a midi note to reset the signal.
I used "Device, Mute" and "Solo" on the LC XL.
Choose whichever pads you have available.
I’m sure there are other ways of doing this. ;)
It might be worth thinking about other ways indeed.
Using the new Shift Register maybe? 😉
Hmmm... I just had an idea that I just had to try...
Change the Knob2 mod amounts and the Integrator Min/Max if you need different ranges.
Thanks again to @giku for listening to my requests regarding the Integrator too 😊
Anything to make that simpler. 😁
@rs2000 After some thought I’ve simplified my original whilst I wrap my head around the “Shift Register” module. :)
I tried using the “Intergrator” to limit the top and bottom numbers but
it doesn’t increase or decrease the value the same way as the Graphic Shaper.
Here’s a screenshot with the “Intergrator” module.
Imagine the Integrator like a bucket that, when receiving a gate pulse, fills its volume with a positive signal and empties its volume with a negative signal. Play around with input signal levels versus related changes in the output signal.
Andto start with I'd set a much higher Max and much lower Min value so it doesn't limit the output signal yet.
Also, you don't want to send Counter outputs to the integrator signal input, just the sum of the button +1 and -1 values . You can scale them down a bit to make the Integrator run slower. Or just rescale the Integrator output to the desired range.
So how else would I increase/decrease the values incrementally?
because it's not a Switch "on/off/reset", it's a three button Slider/Knob replacement.
I'm trying to think of another module that would increase/decrease each time you press it
and the "Counter" module was the only one I could think off at the moment.
@gravitas You've seen my previous suggestion though, haven't you? 😉
Yes, indeed I did.
What I should've done initially is set the Min and Max to 1.
A couple of button presses at +-100 and it goes through the roof. 😁
I'm finally starting to comprehend what the Intergrator does.
Here's my take on this. This is basically what @rs2000 suggested, only using smaller values for the buttons, so we can limit the integrator between 0 and 1. It seems to work as originally described. All 3 buttons are momentary (this is essential). Up and Down are set to 0.03937 (5/127) so the generated CC steps by 5, just for testing. The integrator input is (Up - Down). The integrator gate is (Up OR Down). The integrator Reset is from the Reset button. The CC generator and monitor are just to provide a readout. When the gate is on (non-zero), the integrator adds the value at the input, so pulsing Up adds 0.03937, etc. You could use the integrator output to modulate anything.
@giku We really need a DVM module to just show the value of a signal. I know the scope has it (sort of), but its readout slew limits values moving towards zero, so it's not handy. Kludges like monitoring a MIDI CC are not ideal.
@uncleDave nice one.
I'll try your one as well.
The one that rs2000 suggested is already in action as it were as I needed it for my current project.
I had run out of faders so I needed to find a way to utilise the other buttons/pads.
@uncleDave your one works as intended also.
Thank you. 🙏🏾
There will be a generic solution for that. (a probe icon on top and floating meters)
@giku "Floating meters"?
Added S@H to save the value from the “Integer” module
when saving and then reopening your dRambo projects.
As the Integer module doesn’t store it’s value, you will have
to play catch up with the last saved value in S&H.
Very useful for adding Up+Down+Reset buttons to your midi controller.