Hanging Notes
Hi. I have had Drambo for a while but am just recently exploring it.
Drambo is holding the last note played on the piano keyboard and pads. When I record a sequence, it is showing up there as well. There must be a setting somewhere for this behaviour. Has anybody dealt with this before?
I am setting up Drambo as New > 8 Tracks (Rack Instruments). I add a Generator Audio Unit and select a miRack patch.
Maybe you have the hold function enabled?
Thanks for the suggestion but after trying that, it did not solve the problem.
The manual (outdated now) says to double tap the Play button. That does not work.
I knew I had seen an updated way to get to panic but could not find it until now. Press and hold the Undo button and press Play. Unfortunately that does not work either.
This must be a setting somewhere.
I am 99.99% sure it is something in my miRack patch.
In my miRack patch I had an offset going into my VCA that held it open even after the MIDI sent from Drambo and in standalone miRack was turning off the note.
occasionally I get a stuck note with the FM Operator. Ive found if I click the Sustain button off and on it stops it.
MiRack or Drambo?
Good, something in the miRack patch would have been my first guess.
If you have a Drambo project demonstrating stuck notes in a reproducible way, feel free to post a zipped .drproject file here.