Bidirectional Feedback for MIDI controllers



  • dRambo actual transmits cc messages on loading from a saved project.

    I use it a lot as a way to save presets.

    I think something like a Midi thru in the Midi mapping menu would solve many issues

    and also the option to choose midi device as well as midi channel.

    Currently we can only midi map per channel so two midi devices transmitting

    the same CC message on the same channel will affect the same parameter.

  • Interesting, never stumbled upon it, maybe because I’m using Mozaic to store encoders state. Is there a video or docs somewhere about this feature?

  • Nope not that I know off as I don’t watch tutorials strangely enough.

    I discovered it after making quite a few presets for my midi devices that use the CC multi generator.

  • So to clarify, am I right in thinking that it is currently not possible to insert/edit notes in the drambo step sequencer via a midi controller (ie launchpad)?

    And sadly this is likely to be a tricky bit of work and thus there is no roadmap for when this may be integrated?

    That's a shame, it's hard to complain when drambo has so much functionality, but this really is a dream feature... It would make sequencing feel way more immediate and LIVE!

  • @ashashash

    You can edit/insert notes using a Launchpad and you can do this using the dRambo sequencer as well.

    You can step input notes when Transport is stopped,

    simply press record and press the notes on the Launchpad

    When Transport is running you can hold a note on the sequencer lane and change it using the LP

    and you can use the Piano Roll.

  • I think @ashashash is talking about live editing sequences as you can with Push or Launchpad with Ableton. This is not possible with Drambo, but note input works as @gravitas described.

  • Ahh, if it's to mimic the sequencer from the LP agreed it cannot be done

    however one can put together a Cirklon style sequencer using two Launchpad scenes.

    One for the steps on/off and the other one for the notes.

  • edited January 2024

    While you can use a bunch of modules to make bespoke sequencers in drambo and edit them via MIDI, it doesn't replace having a tight control surface integration.

    Having that sequencer integration is my #1 feature wish! I hate that I am looking into buying a hardware sequencer when Drambo's is so good, just to have physical buttons. I'd pay a pretty penny for the IAP if there was an integration with the Lauchpad or APC 64 or something.

    I know that this integration would clash with some of Drambo's open nature. Even if the sequencer integration only supported certain things (eight tracks, trig conditions only via iPad, etc) it would be so great.

  • Agreed it would however I didn't have the patience to wait so I designed my own sequencing tools, using the aforementioned modules, dedicated to both the LP X and the LC XL along with a DFam style sequencer using the Behringer X-Touch with visual feedback.

  • While I don't need sequencer control per as with hardware like launchpad, it would be nice to have session/clip launcher support for Drambo using a Launchpad. This would make jamming much easier and enjoyable than using scenes via midi mapping.

  • I work on 8x8 pad controllers integration.

  • Sounds like great news!

    Would it be possible to think about other than 8x8 layouts? 8 channels is pretty standard, but number of scenes can vary. AKAI APC series typically, but also stuff like Novation Launchkey, Arturia beatstep,... There could be much more controllers to make use for clip launching.

  • edited January 2024

    Initially no, possibly later.

    I want to have a complete 8x8 integration first. This includes presets and projects loading and saving, so that you may turn the screen off.

  • Awesome news.

    This means that I will be able to streamline my monster projects even more. ;)

  • Super excited for this!

  • idxidx
    edited November 2024

    Hey mates, does anybody know ideas/insights about potential bi-directional integration for Drambo?

    I've comeback to iPad and Drambo after few years and would like to configure controller for performative capabilities.

    For now I have MF Twister, but looking in to Faderfox UC4.

    Do we have any possibility to feed back the values from Drambo to such controllers yet?

  • No native support but you can always build a patch that sends MIDI messages back to your controller.

    @gravitas is our expert here 😊

  • @rs2000

    Thank you. :)


    @idx yes we can up to a certain point, what are you trying to achieve?

  • Hey guys, @rs2000 @gravitas

    Thanks for reply, I think I’m on early stage and just trying to frame my goals.

    First thing which I thought of is having values from Drambo app controls translated to endless encoder indicators on twister.

    After reading this forum I think it is impossible since Drambo do not report back.

    So no particular request for now :)

  • @idx, you may want to check out the Controller Feedback and Restore and Controller Tracker and Snapshots Mozaic scripts. They will only help if you only control everything from the Twister though.

  • @idx

    A question if I may.

    Does the Midi Twister Fighter receive CC messages?

  • @number37 definitely checking out the scripts. I appreciate the recommendation.

    @gravitas if I got you right, yes. At least when I used Twister in Ableton, it was reading values from software, lets say when something changed in software it was immediately reflected on light indicators around encoders. Also the manual sates following:

    It is possible to sync the display value of the CC or note to the parameter it is controlling in your software of choice. Simply map the MIDI OUT for that parameter to the same MIDI number on channel 0.

  • @idx

    "It is possible to sync the display value of the CC or note to the parameter it is controlling in your software of choice. Simply map the MIDI OUT for that parameter to the same MIDI number on channel 0."

    This is what I needed to know.

    Another question, how many scenes does the Midi Twister Fighter have?

  • @gravitas 4 scenes which makes 64 encoders.

  • @idx

    Can the scenes be changed remotely and if so how?

  • @gravitas according to manual page 8 yes

    On channel 4, you can send 127 velocity cc messages and Twister change banks accordingly

    CC0 - bank 1

    CC1 - bank 2

    CC2 - bank 3

    CC3 - bank 4

  • @idx

    Then it's doable.

    Some more questions,

    Do you use the Factory stored settings on the MTF or do configure your own?

    Are the MTF midi messages spread over various midi channels as in

    can you configure each knob to transmit on different midi channel+midi message)

    or does it transmit Scene per midi channel i.e Scene 1=Midi Ch 1, Scene 2=Midi Ch 2?

  • @gravitas

    I use factory settings, but it is possible to configure many aspects of the routing. I just stick to default for now because i do not use complex setup.

    The midi messages not spread like i can see on ableton push, but in the default config for twister midi channels configured as

    System ch - 4

    Encoders ch - 1

    Encoders switch (encoders are buttons also) ch - 2

    In theory we can configure both to the same ch. I think 0-127 should fit well 64 encoders + 64 switches

    Also encoders and switches could be configured to different actions:



    You can have approximate clue on configuration capabilities

  • @idx

    Thanks for the detailed reply.

    I think it's best that we keep to the factory settings for now to get this happening

    because I think this will be use for other users of the Midi Twister Fighter.

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